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New driver for DDN's "Infinite Memory Engine" device

November 2nd, 2017

Data Direct has a storage product called “Infinte Memory Engine“.   You can access this accelerated storage through POSIX but there is also a library-level native interface.
DDN recently contributed a ROMIO driver to use the IME “native” interfaces, and I have merged this into MPICH master for an upcoming release.  Thanks!
For most people, this new feature will only be exciting if you have a DDN storage device with IME.  If you do have such a piece of hardware, you can ask your DDN rep where to get the RPMs for the IME-native library.
I wrote a mocked version for anyone who wants to compile-time test this driver.  All it does is directly invoke the POSIX versions.  You can get ime-mockup from my gitlab repository 


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