Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

Ying Li, ALCF's first Margaret Butler Postdoctoral Fellow

YingLiUniversity of Southern California doctoral student Ying Li will join ALCF this fall as the 2014 Margaret Butler Postdoctoral Fellow. Li is the first recipient of the ALCF fellowship that was announced during the spring 2013 Celebration of Thirty Years of Parallel Computing at Argonne, to commemorate a pioneering woman and scientist who programmed the first digital computers at Argonne in the 1950s, helped design subsequent ones, and contributed to simulations of nuclear power reactors.
Li, who graduates this summer with a doctorate in materials science and a master’s degree in computer science, belongs to the new generation of computational scientists. As a member of prominent computational materials science research team led by USC professor Priya Vashishta, Li has already worked on massively parallel computers, including Argonne’s Mira, in several investigations involving reactive force-field molecular dynamics simulations of upwards of one million atoms. To learn more about Ying Li, see ALCF’s recent feature.